The four Desert Museum Palo Verdes (Parkinsonia x 'Desert Museum’) I have in my garden have started another round of blooms, just three weeks after the last round. This hybrid is normally a heavy bloomer, known for its large, spectacular flowers starting in early spring and lasting until early summer. With supplemental water, they will have flowers off and on until fall as my trees do. Although these intermittent flowers are very light, with just a few on every branch, they add some needed color throughout summer.
I like these trees for several reasons. They are litter-free other than the masses of flowers dropped during the heavy bloom period in spring, followed by a short period of seedpod drop. Cleanup is easy because the dried flowers have a tendency to clump up naturally into piles, and the pods drop quickly and completely so there’s no ongoing cleanup. They are without thorns, and are usually multi-trunked with attractive, sculptural shapes. I’ve planted quite a few cacti and succulents under them because the trees produce just the right amount of dappled shade to act as nurse trees for sun sensitive varieties.
Developed at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson about 20 years ago, the Desert Museum Palo Verde is a cross between three species of Palo Verdes. It has the best qualities of all three—sort of a super-Palo Verde without thorns, which is the main reason this hybrid has become one of the most popular landscape trees in Arizona in a relatively short time.
I just purchased a desert museum to plant in my courtyard here in the high desert of southern ca. Any tips for me?
Thank you so very much for your wonderful comments. I really appreciate it. I spent some time tonight really looking at your blog. It is truly awesome! You have done a wonderful job with it and the gardens and photos are incredible. I will be subscribing to it and promoting in on my blog as a favorite!..... I will let you know how my tree does. My e-mail is cruzpuppies@yahoo.com
Thanks again...
My desert museum Palo Verdy Is infected with some kind of insects or fungas. how can identify what is the problem and how to treat it
Avi kagan
Scottsdale arizona
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