Although I don't own any, Yellow Bells (Tecoma stans) is anther popular Phoenix area plant. It is used frequently as a landscape plant in shopping centers and streetscapes, as is Orange Jubilee. This is a sure sign it needs very little care. Yellow Bells, also called Esperanza in other parts of the country, does not grow as tall as Orange Jubilee and its bright yellow flowers are a bit different, but it is as lush and pretty as Orange Jubilee.
Thank goodness for the Orange Jubilee in my garden. Without it, I would have a dull summer landscape. The verdant foliage and gold-yellow, orange striped flowers keep right on going, no matter how high the temperature gets. As an added bonus, Orange Jubilee attracts dozens of hummingbirds all day long.
Those are stunning flowers. Thanks for letting us enjoy them too!
Your Orange Jubilee is beautiful, no doubt it is as bright yellow and orange as your AZ sun is right now, can't wait to see your garden this winter when mine is covered with snow.
Now I know the name of another plant I was drawing in Tucson last week! These were really lovely although I didn't see any that flowered as densely as this one. You have a great site full of really interesting info. I live in NH but love plants and our collection of housebound cacti so it's fun to see things from a real desert perspective.
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