Sunday, August 31, 2008

One Lone Cactus Flower

Gymnocalycium mesopotamicum

Our recent storms have wreaked a lot of havoc in my garden, but one bright spot in the week was one lone flower that opened after it rained. We've been cleaning up the damage, which included four downed Mesquite trees in my front yard, which are now chips in the local landfill. Those trees had been staked and restaked after storms over the past three years, but this time the 75 mph winds toppled them and broke most of the major roots, so they had to be removed.

I keep telling myself I had too many trees anyway, but it's not working. Every time I look outside, it makes me sad. However, the trees will not be replaced. I just can't go through this whole process again.


Helen/patientgardener said...

Its nice when you find an unexpected flower especially when you have lost other plants.

beckie said...

Aiyana, I am so sorry about your trees. Their loss is hard to take I know. I guess the main reason is they take so long to grow back. Do you usually get bad storms this time of the year? With all the hurricane news, I missed hearing about your storms. The cactus flower is lovely-reminds me of another but...? Hope you get everything cleaned up and back in order soon.

Rosemary said...

we too had a terrible wind storm this spring, we lost a lovely crab tree so I sympathize it is painful to lose trees

WiseAcre said...

Losing a tree is a great loss, losing 4 is a real tragedy.

Gail said...


I am so sorry to hear about your trees. I would be devastated; and it is understandable that you just need a break from worrying about trees.

clay and limestone

kml said...

I am so sorry to hear about your trees. Mother nature gave you this little flower gift to remind you that not all is lost. Take care, Kathy

Julie said...

Oh Aiayana...I can feel your sorrow reading this. I am so sorry...I remember you telling about these trees before. I agree with you, I would not be able to go through it again. What caused your storms...I surely did not hear about them, I guess with all the action going on down here. had hurricane strength winds!

Anonymous said...

So sorry about your trees -- we just lost a major tree branch on a large Italian Stone Pine within the past 24 hours. The theory is that two relatively dry years in Northern California made the pine more vulnerable (as we have the tree pruned regularly by very good arborists). Luckily, the arborist was able to come over Labor Day weekend and take down the large branch before it fell in the garden and ruined other smaller trees, plants and a fountain. Unfortunately, Mother Nature just takes her own course whether it be wind and storms or dry conditions. . . :( But, it's very disheartening and sad. -- Good Acres

Kylee Baumle said...

Sorry about your trees, Aiyana. :-( That's such a big loss, I know.

Your photos of cactus blooms just always blow me away. I don't particular care for cacti in general, but they do have the most gorgeous blooms!

Anonymous said...

It seems you've had a love-hate relationship with your mesquite trees (as I have with mine). Why not try a desert willow or another more-sturdy desert tree or two? We bought a 4' desert willow 18 months ago, and it's already 10-12' tall, and has not required any staking at all, and minimal pruning. And the hummingbirds seem to like it, and it gives you spring to fall blooms with no stopping.

I recall from past ports you bought your mesquites for quick shade, but if that is no longer the goal...just a thought.

Ashraf sharif said...

you have nice flowre cactus ,and I am so sorry about your trees

Lythrum said...

I'm sorry to hear about your trees too. I lost some flowering dogwoods to hurricanes a few years ago and it took me a long time to get over the loss. You are really tempting me with the cactus flower pictures, I might have to start a cactus collection. ;)

kesslerdee said...

I am so sorry about your trees- the monsoons have such ups and downs! It must have been really hard to keep trying just to have nature show her control over us in the end.

Barbara said...

It is a pity for every tree that was destroyed by storms and I can imagine how you're feeling about this loss. We have this fear almost every winter when snow or ice can break trees. But I am glad you can at least enjoy this beautiful lone flower.