Sunday, August 17, 2008


Absolutely nothing is blooming in my garden, so I've added a slide show of some of the flower photos I've featured in the past. If you move your mouse over the photo, it will tell you the genus and species of each flower.


Gail said...

Come this winter I will be posting photos of what was once in house plants at Clay and Limestone...naughty kitty eats them!
Your photographs are are an artist.


kesslerdee said...

You have the best cactus flowers I've ever seen- even if none are currently blooming! Do you plant any veggies? I am toying with the idea of trying some once the weather turns a bit!

Rosemary said...

Love your slide show

kml said...

Your slide show with the name is pretty slick! You certainly had a lot of blooms this year!

Julie said...

What a neat idea to do the slide is so beautiful with all those lovely flowers!!!

Tracy said...

Do you actually have nothing in bloom or you have already posted those in bloom already?? Do you have any cacti that are winter blooming, or are the majority summer bloomers?

Love the slide show, I am going to check that out, I might have to do one since I have nothing going on right now with my plants and I don't know what to blog about.

Awesome Post as always


beckie said...

Such glorious blooms! And to think a lot of your cacti will bloom again in the fall. it won't be taht long! Stay cool.

Aiyana said...

Thanks for all the comments. I'm having trouble catching up to visit others' blogs, but after next week, I'll finish a current project and be back at it.
Tracy, On Saturday, I had nothing blooming, except one cactus that I had already featured. This is a slow time of year in my garden. This will happen again in late Dec./January. There are some cacti that bloom in late fall, but not a lot goes on until February when the wildflowers come up. In the meantime, I'm trying to catch up on other stuff.

Claude said...

The flowers are, as always, stunning... we're just getting the begining of our autumn rains. May bring out a few blooms before I have to induce dormancy...

Jenn said...

Spines and flowers, so much amazing variation in the cactus family...