Garden Gifts

My new glazed clay do-dads are an early birthday gift from my friend Pudge. They have the impressions of stems and leaves on the glazed surfaces. Naturally, I hung them on the proper trees! The dangles hanging on the bottom of these pieces are real polished stones, including malachite, agate and turquoise. Even the backs are beautiful--unglazed clay that the artist embellished with impressions of dry cob corn. I love them!
Very creative- I would definitely hand them in full view!
Totally cool... and happy early birthday!
very nice indeed... ~ bangchik
How lovely and unusual! Happy Birthday!
They are wonderful- I've never seen anything like them.
Those are really interesting. I haven't ever seen anything like them. Happy early birthday!
These are them!
I'm glad Teri sen you my way...Thanks for the ID of the mystery cactus on my blog...I think you are spot on! What a perfect name too! :)
All the best to you!
Those are lovely, and they definitely have a southwestern look. Wouldn't they make great souvenirs from a visit to Phoenix?
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