Thursday, November 5, 2009

First Time Quail Visitors

Callipepla gambelii

For the first time that I'm aware of, a small group of Gambel's Quail ventured into my garden. I've hoped to see quail here for the past four years, but none came around until today. At my previous residence, they were regular visitors, and I enjoyed watching them walk in a line the length of the garden walls around my home before moving on to the view fence railing. Sometimes they would keep going down the railing from house to house for about a quarter mile. They never seemed to leave the walls to walk on the ground! Even when trying to avoid predators, they run to hide in vegetation rather than fly.

I think this small band of female visitors (no male and no babies that I saw) is too small to be called a covey, but then, I don't know the count necessary to qualify as a covey! There were a total of five quail in this group. Gambel's Quail is also known as Arizona Quail, Top-Knot Quail or Desert Quail.

I get thousands of these Mourning Doves year-round, but in the fall, they seem to become more plentiful, and come to rest in my desert garden in late afternoon. They are as still as statues when resting. At times I've counted close to 50 of them sitting motionless in the elevated portions of the yard.

Different subject: This orange pot planted with Purple Heart is such a great color combo that I bought paint in these colors to paint a small tile-topped tool cabinet and a wooden planter stand, and anything else sitting around in my garden that I think needs painting. When the weather cools, I get ambitious about garden projects, but don't always follow through. If I do manage to complete a project, I'll post a photo in the future!


kesslerdee said...

How wonderful about the Quail. I don't see them around my neighborhood, but I think the wild cats around here would get them. As it is I have to shoo a cat away from the bird feeder every morning- they hide out waiting for breakfast. I love the purple and orange combo too- very nice!

Nell Jean said...

Quail and doves are plentiful here, too. Hunting season starts soon, they know they're safe here.

Purple Heart in a terra cotta pot is one of my favs.

Diane said...

We saw Gambel's quail during a hike of South Mountain a few years ago. They were the most adorable things we'd ever seen (and heard) and wished we could take a suitcaseful back to Illinois with us.

Phoenix C. said...

I love the photo of the quail - it looks like a frieze painting! How elegant they look.

Lythrum said...

Congratulations on the quail! I know how exciting it is to have some new critters show up. Well, except for that skunk that got trapped in the backyard, but other ones. :)

Rock rose said...

We saw a family of gambel's quail last year when we visited our son. It was such a delight to see.

Julie said...

You simply MUST show us your painted projects using these two colors! How beautiful. I never would have thought of it...but they are gorgeous together!!!