Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Agave bracteosa

Agave bracteosa is one Agave that does not always die after flowering. It also needs light shade in the summer in Phoenix, a fact that I neglected to heed when I planted it in an area with a southern exposure. Full sun doesn’t kill the plant, it just causes the leaves to yellow and possibly scorch.

The A. bracteosa, called the Squid Agave or Green Spider Agave, is a relatively small Northern Mexico species, growing to about three feet high and wide over many years. When it does send up a flower stalk, it will be about six feet high and produce cream-colored flowers. Its leaves are very flexible and it doesn’t have spines, but the leaf margins are somewhat rough and scratchy.

This plant looks good right now, unlike this past summer when its leaves were quite yellow from the intense sunlight. This is another plant I need to move to a shadier location. Since it is still small, I think it will be all right in the transplant process. However, I will wait until early summer to do this.


Anonymous said...

I would give up a lot to be in your garden for a week and in your sunshine land. All seems well.

Julie said...

This agave is very modern looking with it's green color shade, and sleek looking leaves. I like it. I don't know how in the world you are able to keep up with all of the work you need to do in your absolutely huge gorgeous garden!!!
You're good!!!